Recursos Humanos Cencosud
Me llega esto de Cencosud.
Sr. David Martinez MuñozLo gracioso es que envié mi curriculum en Diciembre del año pasado (2004). Menos mal que Cencosud no es una clínica u hospital.
De mi consideración:
Tenemos el agrado de informarle que hemos recibido su
Currículum Vitae, el cual será ingresado en nuestra base de datos.
En la medida que en futuros procesos se requiera un
perfil como el suyo, nos contactaremos con usted.
Departamento Selección y Desarrollo
Gerencia Recursos Humanos
Cencosud S.A.
Etiquetas: varios
Just thought I would stop by and say "Hello Blogger." It's been a hectic
but very worthwhile last few days for me. In searching for more curriculum vitae examples related info on the Internet, I came across your site. I appreciate your content and I really appreciate your this post! It's been a great help in collecting more info on curriculum vitae examples. Thanks again and have a great day!
Hi Blogger, I thought I'd just leave this message on your blog. I hope you don't mind. I've been trying to find blogs where people are talking about preparing curriculum vitae and when I was looking, I found this one on this post. this post, thought I would say hi, before I go off to find some more preparing curriculum vitae